Friday, February 8, 2008

Search Engine Rankings with Keywords

If you want your website to be successful, search engine optimization (SEO) is essential. Keywords play a Hugh part in SEO strategy if you want to rank high on search engines and directories. Search engines bring most of the traffic to websites and many website owners don't spend the time that is required to optimize their web pages with proper keywords and keyword phrases.

a) Keywords placed in the TITLE of your website as well as in the description & keyword meta tags are extremely important.

b) Keywords placed inside linked text are considered very important by search engines, because this shows that your web pages are really talking about those keywords by giving more references to them.

c) Keywords placed near or at the end of web pages are important because it indicates to the search engines that the web page which started out describing a topic such as online casino bonuses, and is still talking about that even at the very end of the web page.

Placing keywords in a paragraph or a header (h1,h2 etc.) at the start of a web page, placing keywords in linked text, place keywords in ALT tags, anchors, and repeating keywords at the bottom of a web page are not new concepts in web page (SEO) optimization. Web page optimization practices have been a big part of good solid design, and when a website surfer examines a web page solid logical information is provided for them.

More advanced techniques can be done like blogging regularly, posting new content, pinging, tagging, and designing dynamic web pages with dynamic (rss feeds) content. If you expand your SEO methods into these areas on regular basis, you will be getting even better rankings.

Try these SEO techniques on your web pages and see what kind of results you obtain in your search engine rankings.

James Murray is a successful writer and online gambling expert providing valuable tips and advice for those interested in gambling and online gambling strategies. His numerous articles found on the Internet ,provide useful and factual gambling information and insight. Some of his websites are , , India Online Radio


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